Wines from controlled organic viticulture,
because nature is important to us

EU funding

EU funding measures

Organic viticulture

The company receives for its services in

Organic farming

compensation through: the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD): here Europe invests in rural areas within the framework of the Rhineland-Palatinate development program "Environmental Measures, Rural Development, Agriculture, Food" (EULLE), co-financed by the federal government and the Land as part of the joint task "Improvement of the agricultural structure and coastal protection" (GAK)

Environmentally friendly steep and steep vineyards

The company receives for its services in agri-environmental and climate measures:

Environmentally friendly steep and steep vineyards

compensation through: the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD): here Europe invests in rural areas as part of the Rhineland-Palatinate development program "Environmental Measures, Rural Development, Agriculture, Food" (EULLE) co-financed by the State of Rhineland- Palatinate.

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